Something on your mind? Share it with me.
I am always looking to create, work & learn. If you think we could work well together or you have an idea that needs the 'Duke LDN' touch, let me know!
I am always looking to create, work & learn. If you think we could work well together or you have an idea that needs the 'Duke LDN' touch, let me know!
For commissions please include as much detail as you can within the form, so that I may properly consider each request.
If you would like to suggest a collaboration, idea or mutually-beneficial project, please make this clear in the fee/budget section below. I am open to considering all proposals, however I cannot guarantee that I can take on everything submitted.
If you would like a quote, please make this clear in the fee/budget section below. Quote will be based on details which you have provided.
Thanks for getting in touch!